What need to tell of autumn’s storms and stars
It can hit you hard as a whip of grainy dust blown in
your eyes the realization that you need to tell someone
all of it even the worst in words not cheapened with showy
sound effects and with or without the dismembering con-
ventions of allegory--that you need to write about this woodpile
glowing between us like a dragon’s hoard of gold-plated
bones--do more than to sit in the dust eating spiders and crust
whether or not you’ll be taken for mad and if you are
taken for mad at least you’ll be left alone. What can I tell you
about the evils of other people except that often I’ve found
human interaction to be a ferocious and almost feral feasting
not unlike the one Dante finds in which Count Ugolino
eternally feeds on the uncooked flesh of his son afterwards
wiping his mouth with the hair of the man he has just eaten.
Now that I’ve covered that let’s step out into the autumn evening
and happily--perhaps drows’d with the fume of poppies--look up
because the dim lit sky is almost drooling with our dying
hence our wind-swept laments of gratitude and longing.